回答這個問題,就要用最短的語言來結束,以免言多必失。嚴華看了看Andrew,看了看劉許,又看了看白復明,這三個人都用一種期待的眼光看著他,希望他可以完成一個滿意的回答。嚴華稍微停頓了一下,然後底氣很足地說:“I’ve been working for FA for almost 4 years already; and it is FA that makes me regard my current job as a career rather than a simple job。 I’ve learnt a lot in FA and also I’ve contributed my efforts and knowledge to FA’s business。 FA is a good platform for those who want to work as a career; so I do hope I can stand longer on this platform。(我在FA已經工作了近4年,並且是FA讓我把現在的工作當成事業,而不僅僅是簡單的工作。我在FA學了不少東西,我也把我的知識和努力用於在FA的業務中。對於那些想把工作當成事業來乾的人來說,FA的確是一個非常好的平臺,所以我真誠地希望我可以在這個平臺上站得更久。)
Andrew滿意的點了點頭,不過他接下來的話卻讓嚴華大吃一驚。“Great; Keith; what you said is really true from what I heard about you。 You are an excellent professional manger and I think FA’s business in China will continue to grow with your hard efforts。 But there is one thing I h*e to tell you in advance; that is we will adjust our business in China starting tomorrow。”(非常好,嚴華,你所說的和我聽到的對你的評價是一致的。你是一個非常出色的職業經理人,我相信在你的努力下,FA在中國的業務會繼續增長。但是,有一件事我必須提前告訴你,那就是從明天開始我們要對中國的業務要進行調整。)
嚴華有點坐立不安了,但他強制讓自己保持冷靜,裝出一副無所謂的樣子。嚴華鎮靜了一下,心平氣和的問Andrew:“How shall we adjust our business in China?”(我們如何調整在中國的業務?)
Andrew笑了一下,他認為現在他自己要說的才是最關鍵的,而且他已經猜到了嚴華早就想聽這句話了。Andrew喝了一口水,對嚴華說:“First of all; I must tell you that it is a rumor that FA will withdraw from China。 China is the largest internet market in the world and we h*e no any excuses to withdraw from this market even though we h*e encountered some difficulties。 But due to some plex reasons and in order to achieve a sound environment; the US headquarters h*e decided t