rathful both; one did not strength exert。〃
This exhibition of skill amazed the Prince and the whole court。 Cao Pi thought he would use another test; so he bade his brother improvise on the theme of their fraternal relationship; the words 〃brotherhood〃 or 〃brother〃 being barred。 Without seeming to reflect; Cao Zhi rattled off this rhyme:
〃They were boiling beans on a beanstalk fire;
Came a plaintive voice from the pot;
'O why; since we sprang from the selfsame root;
Should you kill me with anger hot?'〃
The allusion in these verses to the cruel treatment of one member of a family by another was not lost upon Cao Pi; and he dropped a few silent tears。
The mother of both men came out at this moment from her abiding place and said; 〃Should the elder brother thus oppress the younger?〃
The Prince jumped from his seat; saying; 〃My mother; the laws of the state cannot be nullified。〃
Cao Zhi was degraded to the rank of Lord of Anxiang。 He accepted the decision without a murmur and at once left his brother's court by horse。
Cao Pi's accession was the signal for a set of new laws and new mands。 His behavior toward Emperor Xian was more intemperate than his father's had ever been。
The stories of his harshness reached Chengdu and almost frightened Liu Bei; who summoned his counselors to discuss what he should do。
Said he; 〃Since the death of Cao Cao and the accession of his son; the position of the Emperor has changed for the worse。 Sun Quan acknowledges the lordship of Wei; and its influence is being too great。 I am disposed to destroy Sun Quan in revenge for the death of my brother。 That done。 I will proceed to the Capital District and purge the whole land of rebellion。 What think you?〃