關燈 巨大 直達底部

LILIA SHEVTSOVA: In the beginning of 1996; Yeltsin enjoyed only 5 percent of popularity。 He definitely needed financial assistance; financial resources from the rich people; the oligarchs。

LILIA SHEVTSOVA:在1996年初,葉利欽只有5%的擁護率,毫無疑問,他需要富商—寡頭們的財務援助和財務資源。

NARRATOR: The government and the oligarchs needed each other; and they needed to move fast。 The government feared a munist eback; the oligarchs feared the loss of their fortunes。 The oligarchs hammered out a secret deal that would enable them to acquire key industries at a knockdown price。


BORIS JORDAN: Potanin proposed a privatization program which today is still used。 It's exceptionally controversial; a loans…for…shares program; and that program entailed Russian business giving the government loans in return for taking the shares of strategic assets as collateral。 In fact; what ended up happening is most of these panies ended up getting sold back to the guy that actually provided the loan。

鮑里斯。喬丹(Boris Jordan):波大林(Potanin)提議了一個私有化的計劃,這個計劃今天仍然在使用。這個計劃是極具爭議的,稱為貸款換股票計劃。這個計劃使得俄羅斯商人可以以向政府提供貸款作為抵押的形式而獲取戰略性資產的股權。實際上,最終的結果是許多這樣的公司最終就賣給了那些實際提供貸款的人。

NARRATOR: The oligarchs' money would help Yeltsin fight the presidential election。 In exchange; they wanted the manding heights。


Chapter 20: Closing the Deal '3:50'

第二十章: 交易的結束

ANATOLY CHUBAIS: The dilemma was not should we choose this way of privatization or another way which is more transparent; more open; more public。 The idea was; should we choose this way or nothing。

阿那特利。丘拜斯(Anatoly Chubais):困難不在於我們是應該選擇這種私有化的方式呢,還是該選擇另一種更加透明、更加公開的私有化方式,實際的想法是我們應該選擇這種方式私有化呢,還是什麼都不幹。