NARRATOR: Overprotected; over…administered; overplanned; the Permit Raj was quite literally a brake on the Indian economy。
Chapter 5: Latin American Dependencia '2:03'
第五章: 拉丁美洲的依賴
Onscreen title: Latin America
NARRATOR: In Latin America; radically different leaders shared India's suspicion of the world economy。 In the 1940s and '50s; it was Juan Peron and his wife; Evita。 In the 1960s; it was munist Cuba's charismatic Fidel Castro。 And in the 1970s; it was Chile's Marxist president Salvador Allende。
旁白:在拉丁美洲,一些根本不同的領導人也懷有印度的那種對世界經濟的猜疑。在40和50年代,是Juan Peron及其妻子Evita,60年代是古巴共和國的代表人物費德爾。卡斯特羅(Fidel Castro),70年代是智利的馬克思主義總統薩爾瓦多。阿蘭德(Salvador Allende)。
Though rich in raw materials; Latin America seemed doomed to perpetual poverty。 The dependency theory of economic development seemed to offer a way out。
DANIEL YERGIN: The dependency theory said that if you want to get high economic growth in your country; what you need to do is put up barriers; tariffs that restrict the flow of import into the country; develop and build your own domestic industries; and that if you don't do that; you're going to be victimized by world trade。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):依賴理論認為,假如你想在你的國家實現高速的經濟增長,你必須做的是要建立貿易障礙,設立貿易關稅,來限制商品的進口,而發展自己的國內工業體系,如果你不這樣做,則你將成為世界貿易的受害者。
The theory was very attractive。 It said you would develop on your own; and you would be more self…sufficient。 The reality is that you cut yourself off from flows of technology; flows of investment; from flows of know…how; and instead of getting ahead you were falling back。