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ough inside; the world will always push you around anyway。

If you do not like financial pressure; then find a formula that works for you。 A good one is to cut expenses; put your money in the bank; pay more than your fair share of ine tax; buy safe mutual funds and take the vow of the average。 But this violates the 〃pay yourself first〃 rule。

The rule does not encourage self…sacrifice or financial abstinence。 It doesn't mean pay yourself first and starve。 Life was meant to be enjoyed。 If you call on your financial genius; you can have all the goodies of life; get rich and pay bills; without sacrificing the good life。 And that is financial intelligence。

6。 PAY YOUR BROKERS WELL: The power of good advice。 I often see people posting a sign in front of their house that says; 〃For Sale by Owner。〃 Or I see on TV today many people claiming to be 〃Discount Brokers。〃

My rich dad taught me to take the opposite tack。 He believed in paying professionals well; and I have adopted that policy also。 Today; I have expensive attorneys; accountants; real estate brokers and stockbrokers。 Why? Because if; and I do mean if; the people are professionals; their services should make you money。 And the more money they make; the more money I make。

We live in the Information Age。 Information is priceless。 A good broker should provide you with information as well as take the time to educate you。 I have several brokers who are willing to do that for me。 Some taught me when I had little or no money; and I am still with them today。

What I pay a broker is tiny in parison with what kind of money I can make because of the information they provide。 I love it when my real estate broker or stockbroker makes a lot of money。 Because it usually means I made a lot of m