uers the West and Imperial Guardian; with bowed head and trepidation; presents this memorial。 On my return from the expedition into Liaodong; His late Majesty summoned Your Majesty; Cao Shuang; myself and certain others to his bedside; took me by the arm and impressed upon us all our duty in the years to be。
〃Now Cao Shuang has betrayed the trust placed in him; has disordered the kingdom; usurped power at court; and seized upon power in the regions。 He has appointed Zhang Dang; Administrator of the City; to control the court and spy upon Your Majesty。 He is surely lying in wait to seize the empire。 He has sown dissension in the royal family and injured his own flesh and blood。 The whole land is in confusion; and people's hearts are full of fear。 All this is opposed to the injunctions of His Late Majesty and his mands to me。
〃Stupid and worthless as I am; yet I dare not forget the words of His Late Majesty。 My colleagues; Jiang Ji and Sima Fu; agree that Cao Shuang is disloyal at heart; and great military powers should not be entrusted to him or his brothers。
〃I have memorialized Her Majesty and obtained her authority to act。
〃All military powers have been wrested from the hands of Cao Shuang; Cao Xi; and Cao Xun; leaving them only the simple title of lordships; so that hereafter they may be unable to hinder or control Your Majesty's actions。 If there be any obstruction; the matter shall be summarily dealt with。
〃Although in ill health; as a precautionary measure I have camped at the Floating Bridge; whence I write this。〃
When they had made an end of reading; the Ruler of Wei turned to Cao Shuang and said; 〃In the face of such words what mean you to do?〃
Cao Shuang was at a loss and turned to his younger brother; saying; 〃