關燈 巨大 直達底部

at are not in cluded in our textbooks。 All of our teachers appreciate him very much。 By the way; he has finished learning math; physics; and chemistry of senior high school on his own。

Sean is *art; I am not only talking about his mind but also his appearance (*art can be used to describe boys that are handsome)。 When the news that Sean won three first prizes in math; physics; and chemistry Olympic petition had spread widely; a growing number of girls in ordinary classes began to flock to our class to see who Sean was。 Clare told me she had encountered several girls who asked her to show them who Sean was。

As she pointed Sean out for them; they let out a shout; looking excited。 I burst out laughing; “Then we should warn Sean of love potion! (A potion mentioned in Harry Potter and the Half…blood Prince which is used to force a person to fall in love with you)” “Yeah;” said Clare; beaming; “If there are mistletoe bunches in the passageways between classes; I dare say groups of girls will converge underneath them every time Sean passes by!” (Mistletoe bunches are used to decorate corridors in some western countries during Christmas and according to British tradition; boys can kiss girls underneath the mistletoe bunches。)

Sean had indeed registered to take part in the entrance exam of The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University on the 13th of May; but s