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it by his own efforts; he was free to leave it to whom he would: he left it to you。 After all; justice permits you to keep it: you may; with a clear conscience; consider it absolutely your own。”

“With me;” said I; “it is fully as much a matter of feeling as of conscience: I must indulge my feelings; I so seldom have had an opportunity of doing so。 Were you to argue; object; and annoy me for a year; I could not forego the delicious pleasure of which I have caught a glimpse—that of repaying; in part; a mighty obligation; and winning to myself lifelong friends。”

“You think so now;” rejoined St。 John; “because you do not know what it is to possess; nor consequently to enjoy wealth: you cannot form a notion of the importance twenty thousand pounds would give you; of the place it would enable you to take in society; of the prospects it would open to you: you cannot—”

“And you;” I interrupted; “cannot at all imagine the craving I have for fraternal and sisterly love。 I never had a home; I never had brothers or sisters; I must and will have them now: you are not reluctant to admit me and own me; are you?”

“Jane; I will be your brother—my sisters will be your sisters— without stipulating for this sacrifice of your just rights。”

“Brother? Yes; at the distance of a thousand leagues! Sisters? Yes; slaving amongst strangers! I; wealthy—gorged with gold I never earned and do not merit! You; penniless! Famous equality and fraternisation! Close union! Intimate attachment!”

“But; Jane; your aspirations after family ties and domestic happiness may be realised otherwise than by the means you contemplate: you may marry。”

“Nonsense; again! Marry! I don’t want to marry; and never shall marry。”

“That is saying too much: such hazardou