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時鐘總是不停地滴答,秒針也像為了覓食而不停忙碌的螞蟻一樣永不停息地前行。同樣,為了實現秒針滴答60次完成一分鐘的任務,它一刻不停地忙碌奔走著,即使完成了一分鐘,它也不停歇,又開始新一輪的60次征程。它們走了一分鐘又一分鐘,不經意間走了一刻鐘、一小時甚至一天。它們始終專注於小目標,也就是一分鐘,使時鐘的更大目標自然而然地得以實現。這就是分針走得少,秒針走得多的原因。分針一小時要走60圈。時針是它們中最幸運的,它一小時只需走一次,而秒針在一小時內卻要走3 600次。



■ 心靈小語


Importance of Time


They say Life and Death are not in anyone’s hands。 They are things that just happen every time and with everyone。 Same is the case with time。 Most of the time we take it for granted that there is always plenty of time。 Due to this perhaps we indulge in various activities; which are a wholesale waste of time。

The clock is always ticking。 The seconds keep on ticking just like busy ants。 The ants keep themselves always busy by always hunting for food everywhere。 Similarly the seconds always keep on ticking to attain short…term goals of making a minute with 60 ticks。 After reaching a milestone of a minute the second hand of a clock doesn’t take a break; but start afresh for another round of 60 ticks。 They take it minute by minute and inadvertently reach a quarter of an hour; and hour and then a day。 They always focus on the smaller targets that is a minute and the bigger aim of the clock itself gets fulfilled。 That’s why the minutes hands have to work less; as the seconds hand does most of the running around。 The minute hand just has to make 60 movements on a clock dial。 The hours hand is the luckiest of the